Imran Khan's false claims about JIT

Imran Khan's false claims about JIT

Imran Khan's false claims about JIT

(Web Desk) – The former Prime Minister Imran Khan made a number of allegations last week regarding the conclusions of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), one of which was that the JIT had discovered evidence suggesting the presence of three gunmen on the day he was attacked.

It was a false accusation.


Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan, claimed in an on-screen speech on January 5 that the JIT, which was established by the Punjab government on November 15, had discovered the following:

- On November 3, three shooters opened fire on Khan and the PTI gathering.

- Moazzam was mistakenly killed since the gunmen’s primary target, Naveed, was actually the intended victim.

- A polygraph examination revealed that Naveed had lied about speaking to just one other individual. The [attack] was the result of a broad plot, according to Mr Khan.

- Mr Khan stated, “He was a trained [gun]man.” Though Naveed also made up the fact that he had no firearms training.

- The JIT’s findings disprove the assertion that Naveed’s attack was motivated by religious attributes.

JIT findings were submitted to the court.


In a joint letter submitted to the convener of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), the Capital City Police Officer Lahore, four out of the JIT’s five members have now come forward to reject Imran Khan’s unsupported accusations.

Khurram Ali, the RPO for DG Khan, Ehsan Ullah Chohan, the SP/AIG for monitoring, Naseeb Ullah Khan, the SSP for intelligence in CTD Punjab, and Tariq Mehboob, the SP for Pothohar Division, Rawalpindi, have all signed the letter.

The four members refute the following statements in the letter:

Imran Khan: Three armed men were present.

JIT: There is no solid evidence in the file to support the claim that there were more than one attackers.

Imran Khan: Moazzam was accidentally killed though Naveed was intended as the target.

JIT: It has not yet been determined who was in charge of Moazzam’s death.

Imran Khan: Naveed lied about talking to just one other individual, according to a lie detector test.

JIT: There is currently no information, call log, or witness that links the primary accused to anyone else involved in the crime’s planning.

Imran Khan: The JIT results disproved the assertion that the attacker was motivated by religion.

JIT: Making this case’s evidence or motivation at this point would be illogical given that the investigation into the crime that was reported in Green Town, Lahore, is still incomplete.